About me

doc. Ing. Giang NGUYEN, PhD.
Associate Professor in Computer Science
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology
Ilkovičova 2, Bratislava 842 16, Slovakia
Email: giang.nguyen [at] stuba.sk

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Applied Soft Computing, Privacy/Security/Reliability, IT/HPC/PDC
Linkedin | Google scholar

Education and Experience

docent in Applied Informatics from Slovak University of Technology
IIA scientific qualification in Applied Informatics from Slovak Academy of Sciences
PhD. in Applied Informatics from Slovak University of Technology
Ing. in Information Technology from Slovak University of Technology

Courses at FIIT STU: Intelligent System Applications [ ISA ], Intelligent Data Analysis [ IAU ], Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)
Courses at FEI STU: Computer Architecture (4 years), Parallel Programming (5 years)
Reviewer and editor for Web of Science journals
Member of program committee, reviewer, editor, organizator for international conferences
Senior Research Fellow


Soft computing: ML/DL, information technology ...
Python, Keras, Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, StatsModels, MatplotLib ...
Unix, Mac OS, Windows, PBS, HDFS, Apache Spark, GIS,
Java, C++, MPI, MS Visual C, PHP, MySQL, JQuery, AJAX, CSS, responsive WD, CMS,
Microsoft/Libre/Open Office, Latex, GIMP ...