Applied Soft Computing - AIOps
Soft Computing (SC)
parallels the remarkable ability of the human mind to reason and learn in an environment of uncertainty and imprecision
(Lotfi A. Zadeh, 1994).
Applied Soft Computing (ASC) combines emerging problem-solving technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, nature-inspired computation, logic thinking and reasoning to provide low-cost solutions to high-complexity problems.
AIOps presents the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in IT operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of IT services. It is a significant step forward in enabling organizations to take advantage of the power of AI to improve their IT service quality.
Interesting links
(2024) AI Act enters into force
(2023) Meta Next Generation of Llama - A Focus on Responsibility
(2022) Andrew Ng: The AI movement for smart-sized, data-centric solutions (2020) Life during COVID-19: why privacy-protected contact tracing matters
(2020) 5 ways machine learning tracks your network traffic
(2019) Assessing intelligent tools
(2018) Artificial intelligence for the real world
(2017) GDPR, Data Privacy, Anonymization, Minimization. . .Oh My!
(2023) Meta Next Generation of Llama - A Focus on Responsibility
(2022) Andrew Ng: The AI movement for smart-sized, data-centric solutions (2020) Life during COVID-19: why privacy-protected contact tracing matters
(2020) 5 ways machine learning tracks your network traffic
(2019) Assessing intelligent tools
(2018) Artificial intelligence for the real world
(2017) GDPR, Data Privacy, Anonymization, Minimization. . .Oh My!